Friday, August 06, 2004

Profound thinking in Traffic Jams...

Today I spent half an hour waiting for a traffic jam to get cleared en route to office...It was a pretty long queue with the line of vehicles stretching nearly a kilometre..
It was then that I realized: it is only in traffic jams that I get to stop and think about things in general!

Most of the time we spend is in a race to get ahead of things...
In school and college, it's a headlong rush to get good grades...After college, it's a race to get a job...once you get a job, you start chasing better jobs...bigger money...a better life...

But what really defines a better life?
When do we ever stop to catch our breath and enjoy what we have?
It's a restless life with our noses to a ceaseless grindstone...
Do we really understand the purpose of all that we do? Why we go through this entire cycle of life?

I guess that's a question that's been plaguing people for aeons...
But then if we really found an answer, wouldn't all the fun go away?
Isnt it the quest that drives us?

Maybe one will find something close to an answer some day...


Deepak said...

Well, Jay, What fun is a quest without a purpose?
You end up roaming aimlessly and finally get bored of the whole thing!!

lilintian said...

hey, thanks for dropping by my blog. i guess you're really a busy guy. but do find time to spend alone.. it always helps. :)